New Zealand

European Heritage Days

By |2024-09-13T08:42:17-05:00September 13th, 2024|'France, Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Author Reviews and Profiles, avoiding international blunders, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, Business Etiquette, celebrations, Concierge and Guest Services Tips, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, Czech Republic, diversity, Earth, Estonia, Europe, Festival, Finland, France, Germany, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Etiquette, Global Traditions, Goals, Gracious Living, Greece, Holiday Parties, Holiday Season, Hosting International Visitors, Houseguest Etiquette, Hungary, Hungary, Inclusion, Intercultural, intercultural competence, intercultural training case, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, International Toasts, International Travel Tips, Ireland, Italy, Language and Culture, Legends and Myths, Lifestyle, Luxembourg, Millennials, Music, Netherlands, Networking, New Zealand, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Poland, Quality time, Relationship Building, Relationships, Religious Celebrations, Self-Awareness, Social Etiquette, Social Media, Spain, Strategic Planning, Sweden, Technology/Gear, Travel, Travel Etiquette, Traveling Etiquette, U.S. Holidays, Uncategorized, United States, US Observances, Volunteering & Mentoring, Women in Business, Women in the Workforce, Workplace Diversity, Workplace Etiquette|

European Heritage Days   By Sharon Schweitzer   European Heritage Days are celebrated all over the Continent in order to mark European unity, to share stories of common values and to ensure that the past isn’t forgotten. In Berlin, these special days are celebrated in September — and the “Day of the Open Monument” opening  [...]

International Sculpture Day

By |2024-04-24T10:24:12-05:00April 24th, 2024|Africa, Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Australia, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, Canada, celebrations, China, Cross-Cultural, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, diversity, Environment, Europe, France, Germany, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Traditions, Goals, Inclusion, India, Intercultural, intercultural competence, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, Language and Culture, Lifestyle, Mexico, New Zealand, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Relationship Building, South Africa, South America, Spain, Travel, U.S. Holidays, United States, US Observances|

International Sculpture Day Mother Sculpture by Frantisek Uprka   By Sharon Schweitzer   Every year on the last Saturday in April, International Sculpture Day raises awareness, appreciation, and enjoyment of sculpture. It’s also a day for sculptors around the world to showcase their artistic talents. Sculpture is a type of visual arts that [...]

World Tourism Day: Making the Most of International Experiences

By |2018-10-11T14:54:42-05:00September 27th, 2017|Africa, Asia, Austin, Australia, Brazil, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Canada, Central America, China, Cross-Cultural, Cuba, Culture, Czech Republic, Europe, Finland, France, Germany, global competency, Gracious Living, Gulf City, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Middle East, Morocco, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Philippines, South America, South Korea, Thailand, Travel, Travel Etiquette, Traveling Etiquette, United States, US Observances|

With so many destinations offering diverse cultural experiences, there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for making the most of international trips. Nevertheless, ensuring that you travel with an open mind and a desire to grow is the most important part of any itinerary. In honor of World Tourism Day on September 27, enjoy these four tips to maximize your cultural immersion and create lifelong memories.

Celebrating Women’s History Month: Australia Quiz

By |2018-10-11T14:54:55-05:00March 27th, 2017|Australia, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Cross-Cultural, New Zealand, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Quiz, U.S. Holidays|

Australia not only has beautiful scenery and beaches but also brilliant, independent women that have changed history.

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