
European Heritage Days

By |2024-09-13T08:42:17-05:00September 13th, 2024|'France, Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Author Reviews and Profiles, avoiding international blunders, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, Business Etiquette, celebrations, Concierge and Guest Services Tips, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, Czech Republic, diversity, Earth, Estonia, Europe, Festival, Finland, France, Germany, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Etiquette, Global Traditions, Goals, Gracious Living, Greece, Holiday Parties, Holiday Season, Hosting International Visitors, Houseguest Etiquette, Hungary, Hungary, Inclusion, Intercultural, intercultural competence, intercultural training case, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, International Toasts, International Travel Tips, Ireland, Italy, Language and Culture, Legends and Myths, Lifestyle, Luxembourg, Millennials, Music, Netherlands, Networking, New Zealand, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Poland, Quality time, Relationship Building, Relationships, Religious Celebrations, Self-Awareness, Social Etiquette, Social Media, Spain, Strategic Planning, Sweden, Technology/Gear, Travel, Travel Etiquette, Traveling Etiquette, U.S. Holidays, Uncategorized, United States, US Observances, Volunteering & Mentoring, Women in Business, Women in the Workforce, Workplace Diversity, Workplace Etiquette|

European Heritage Days   By Sharon Schweitzer   European Heritage Days are celebrated all over the Continent in order to mark European unity, to share stories of common values and to ensure that the past isn’t forgotten. In Berlin, these special days are celebrated in September — and the “Day of the Open Monument” opening  [...]

Libraries Remember Day

By |2024-09-11T09:56:43-05:00September 11th, 2024|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Austin, Author Reviews and Profiles, avoiding international blunders, book recommendations, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, Business Etiquette, celebrations, Concierge and Guest Services Tips, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, Customer Service Etiquette, diversity, Earth, Environment, Family time, gift-giving, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Etiquette, Global Traditions, Goals, Gracious Living, Inclusion, Intercultural, intercultural competence, intercultural training case, Interfaith, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, Language and Culture, Legends and Myths, Lifestyle, Millennials, Modern Manners, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Office Culture, Quality time, Relationship Building, Relationships, Self-Awareness, Social Etiquette, Strategic Planning, Stress, U.S. Holidays, United States, US Observances, Volunteering & Mentoring, Women in Business, Women in the Workforce, Workplace Diversity, Workplace Etiquette|

Libraries Remember Day   By Sharon Schweitzer   Libraries represent knowledge and equal access to that knowledge. They also stand for freedom of expression, a celebration of diversity, preservation of heritage, and hope for the future. A library represents everything that stands firmly against terrorism, hatred, bigotry, and fanaticism. Thus, it was decided that on [...]

Obon Festival

By |2024-08-13T09:23:08-05:00August 13th, 2024|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Asia, Asian Pacific, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, China, Chinese Culture, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, diversity, Earth, Family time, Festival, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Etiquette, Global Traditions, Goals, Gracious Living, Holiday Season, Inclusion, Intercultural, intercultural competence, intercultural training case, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, International Toasts, Japan, Korea, Language and Culture, Legends and Myths, Lifestyle, Malaysia, Millennials, Modern Manners, Myanmar, Networking, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Quality time, Relationship Building, Relationships, Religious Celebrations, Self-Awareness, Singapore, Social Etiquette, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Stress, Travel, U.S. Holidays, Uncategorized, United States, US Observances|

Obon Festival Tokyo, Japan - July 29, 2016 : Bon Odori Dancers at the Sugamo Bon Odori Festival in Toshima Ward, Tokyo, Japan. Bon dance, is a style of dancing performed during Obon.   By Sharon Schweitzer   Obon Festival is an annual Japanese ritual observed from the 13th to the 15th of [...]

Celebrating National Sisters Day

By |2024-08-01T09:48:36-05:00August 1st, 2024|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Author Reviews and Profiles, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, celebrations, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, Czech Republic, diversity, Earth, Environment, Family time, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Etiquette, Global Traditions, Goals, Gracious Living, Inclusion, Intercultural, intercultural competence, intercultural training case, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, Language and Culture, Lifestyle, Millennials, Modern Manners, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Quality time, Relationship Building, Relationships, Self-Awareness, U.S. Holidays, United States, US Observances, Women in Business, Women in the Workforce|

Celebrating National Sisters Day Sharon Schweitzer (left) with her sister Lisa (right) and her parents in Tampa, Florida    By Sharon Schweitzer   Your sister may be your twin, triplet, complete opposite, or a mix of something else! People say you look alike, but you don’t see it. You may have the same preferences or [...]

Fourth of July Quiz

By |2024-07-05T12:01:51-05:00July 5th, 2024|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Austin, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, celebrations, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, diversity, Earth, Family time, Festival, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Traditions, Goals, Gracious Living, Inclusion, Indigenous Peoples, Intercultural, intercultural competence, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, International Toasts, Language and Culture, Lifestyle, Millennials, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Quality time, Quiz, Relationship Building, Relationships, Self-Awareness, Social Etiquette, Travel, Travel Etiquette, TX Business Etiquette, U.S. Holidays, United States, US Observances|

Fourth of July Quiz   By Sharon Schweitzer   With more than half of our U.S. population vaccinated in the U.S. and restrictions lifting across the country, we are looking forward to the opportunity to safely watch fireworks where it isn’t a fire hazard. We are ready for celebrations, friendships, poolside fun, and to fire [...]

National Clean-off Your Desk Day

By |2024-01-08T10:29:39-06:00January 8th, 2024|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Austin, Business and the Environment, Business Etiquette, Cross-Cultural, Culture, Global, Goals, intercultural competence, International Observances, Lifestyle, Millennials, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Self-Awareness, Stress, U.S. Holidays, United States, US Observances, Workplace Etiquette|

National Clean-off Your Desk Day By Sharon Schweitzer The organized clean-enthusiast who started this celebration is Anne Moeller in Clio, Michigan. Celebrated on the second Monday of January, it is likely that this holiday is the result of the cluttered desktops pre and post the Christmas season and New Year.  This day is an opportunity [...]

Asking for Job References: Modern Manners Q&A for Millennials

By |2018-10-11T14:54:22-05:00May 23rd, 2018|Business Etiquette, Career Tips, Millennials|

It’s that time of year when reference requests quadruple. As an employment attorney, business etiquette expert and avid blogger, young readers often solicit advice about how to ask for professional references when they don’t have a tremendous amount of experience. We offer our responses to common questions from curious job seekers as a [...]

Modern Manners 2018: Graduation Gifts

By |2018-10-11T14:54:22-05:00May 22nd, 2018|gift-giving, Graduation, Millennials, Modern Manners, Social Etiquette, University Students|

Spring is in the air and May has arrived! For graduates this means a major life transition as they take their next steps. Whether receiving their high school diploma, undergraduate, or masters - graduates have achieved a major accomplishment. Loved ones may celebrate with dinners, parties, and yes, gifts. Graduation gift etiquette raises [...]

National Etiquette Week: Deleting Digital Distractions

By |2018-10-11T14:54:22-05:00May 14th, 2018|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Lifestyle, Millennials, Modern Manners, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Social Etiquette, U.S. Holidays, United States, US Observances|

  While the dangers of talking on the phone at the wheel are well-known, there’s a new cell phone hazard catching unwary users off guard. According a study by Stony Brook University, those who text while walking are 60 percent more likely to veer off route than non-texters, a phenomenon which may be contributing to [...]

National Etiquette Week: Phasing Out Phubbing

By |2018-10-11T14:54:23-05:00May 8th, 2018|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Lifestyle, Millennials, Modern Manners, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Phone Etiquette and Protocol, Relationships, Self-Awareness, Social Etiquette, Technology/Gear, U.S. Holidays, US Observances|

From social media sound-offs and flash news updates, to texts and live streams, our screens tend to attract more of our attention than the offline world. The information age offers incredible opportunities to stay connected and up to date. What happens when our digital devices overtake our real-life interactions? It turns out that there’s a [...]

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