Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training

Arabic in the 2018 Business World: Three Reasons to Learn Arabic

By |2018-10-11T14:54:31-05:00December 13th, 2017|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, Business Etiquette, Career Tips, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in, Culture, global competency, Global Traditions, International Protocol, International Travel Tips, Language and Culture, Middle East, Middle East Culture, Relationship Building, Travel|

The U.N. Arabic Language Day is celebrated on Dec. 18 every year, the following 3 reasons will not only inform you, but encourage you to consider learning Arabic in 2018.

World Day for Cultural Diversity

By |2018-10-11T14:54:50-05:00May 18th, 2017|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, Cross-Cultural, global competency, International Protocol, Relationship Building|

In honor of World Day for Cultural Diversity, we are sharing a chart and short summary of how the European Diversity Charter adoptees are taking steps toward more inclusive and intercultural workplaces.

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