Job Interviewing Tips:
Preparation: Research the company and the interview panel. Read the company/firm website, newsletters, annual report, and sales brochures. Research. Do your homework!
Personal Appearance: Studies show that clothing may account for 55% of a job candidate’s first impression! Understand corporate culture and dress appropriately.
First Impressions: Normally it takes 5 seconds to make a first impression. In a job interview, you may have up to 30 seconds – and the observation may begin when parking, walking or riding the elevator. Leave that PDA in the vehicle or at home.
Introductions: Be prepared to stand for all introductions, women and men. Avoid a business faux pas by standing for all introductions and handshakes!
Honorifics & Names: Be sure to refer to the interviewer as “Mr.” or “Ms.” or “Dr.”
Hot Topics: Unless it is a BFOQ, or a bona fide occupational qualification ~ then Sex, Religion, Politics and Money are hot topics to be avoided in the US.
Culture Check: Do your homework. Does an applicant bow from the shoulders or waist? Kiss or shake hands with an interviewer from a different culture?
Hand Shakes & Body Language: Studies reveal 90% of a first impression is based on body language or non-verbal skills. Employers determine interest in the job through the applicant’s body language.
Thank You Trio: Thank the interviewer verbally at the beginning and end of the interview. Then, remember to send a hand-written note with a hand-addressed envelope, within 48 hours of the interview. Use personalized stationery.
If you wish to inquire about scheduling Sharon for future training engagements, please contact our office at 512.306.1845, email us at or submit a request via this website. You may also visit the News & Events page or visit to view our previous events. Thank you for your interest in Protocol & Etiquette Worldwide.
Sharon Schweitzer, J.D., is a cross-cultural consultant, an international protocol expert and the founder of Protocol & Etiquette Worldwide. She is accredited in intercultural management, is the resident etiquette expert for CBS Austin’s We Are Austin, regularly quoted by BBC Capital, Investor’s Business Daily, Fortune, The New York Times, and numerous other media. She is the best-selling, international award-winning author of Access to Asia: Your Multicultural Business Guide, named to Kirkus Review’s Best Books of 2015 and recipient of the British Airways International Trade, Investment & Expansion Award at the 2016 Greater Austin Business Awards.
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