Dia de Los Muertos

4 Global Halloween Celebrations Explained

By |2018-10-25T10:04:18-05:00October 25th, 2018|celebrations, China, Chinese Culture, Cross-Cultural, Culture, Holiday Season, Intercultural, International Holidays, Ireland, Travel|

Chinese Halloween by Jonathan Kos-Read on flikr Many people worldwide cherish fond memories of childhood Halloween, which is celebrated differently worldwide. In the U.S. on this day revelers have the opportunity to put on a costume and become a princess or an astronaut, and light candies that parents normally prohibit. What about [...]

Reconciling Dia de Los Muertos and Commercialism: Cultural Sensitivity

By |2018-10-11T14:54:38-05:00October 25th, 2017|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Business Etiquette, Central America, Cross-Cultural, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, Global Celebrations, Global Traditions, Mexico, Social Etiquette|

If your business is partaking in Dia de Los Muertos this year, consider using these suggestions to give back to communities and to create a bridge between consumers, holidays, and products.

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