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Social media’s role in the workplace: With most of our lives being posted, commented on, and “liked” online, it’s no surprise recruiters (and employers) use social media to research applicants. In fact, according to recent research from Jobvite (2015), 92% of recruiters use social media post while seeking highly qualified candidates. The top social media websites viewed by recruiters cast a very wide net and include LinkedIn (87%),Facebook (55%) and Twitter (47%) Glassdoor (38%), YouTube (21%) Google+(14%), Instagram (13%) and Snapchat (3%). Make sure you update, clean up, and put for best virtual foot forward if you are planning a job search this fall my friends! Use social media to your advantage: A 2016 Jobvite Survey found that 48% of millennials used social media to find their current job position. Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook have all been identified as useful means to learn more about the culture, community, and reputation of potential organizations. The same survey also found that compensation was less of a motivator for millennials, compared to company culture, benefits, and flexibility. Utilize social media to understand exactly what companies have to offer and understand what matters the most to you as an employee. Use technology to help rather than hinder: We know you don’t spend all day at the office snapchatting your friends and catching up on the latest Instagram posts; however this distraction can set you back in your career. Use upcoming work-related apps, such as CamCard or Expensify, that can help you stay organized and up to date in the modern working world. LinkedIn Success: LinkedIn is a successful form of business communication. While 55% of recruiters use Facebook to research job candidates, 87% use LinkedIn. Be sure your profile is up to date, easy to read, and sets you apart from the crowd. Ask for recommendations from previous employers to buff up your page and include a summary. The summary LinkedIn addition has been named the most important aspect of your virtual biography. Use technology to deliver a clearer, professional and authentic message about yourself. There are several platforms to help, not hinder. Best of luck out there job-seekers. Please comment below with more social media tips for job-seekers! Sharon Schweitzer, J.D., is a cross-cultural consultant, an international protocol expert and the founder of Protocol & Etiquette Worldwide. She is accredited in intercultural management, is the resident etiquette expert for CBS Austin’s We Are Austin, regularly quoted by BBC Capital, Investor’s Business Daily, Fortune, The New York Times, and numerous other media. She is the best-selling, international award-winning author of Access to Asia: Your Multicultural Business Guide, named to Kirkus Review’s Best Books of 2015.
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