
Go – Green or Go Home: 5 Eco-Tips on Being more Green at Work

By |2019-04-08T12:01:18-05:00April 16th, 2019|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Earth, Environment, Global, Lifestyle, Travel|

Moss by Pexels April 22nd marks International Earth Day, the official celebration of the modern environmental movement which started in the 1970s. Global Warming is a critical issue today and as inhabitants of this planet, it is our duty to take care of it. Make green action a priority both personally and [...]

Guest Blog Post by Kristen Eggers – Hope for Sustainable Fishing and Long-Lasting Relationships in Myanmar

By |2018-10-11T14:55:15-05:00June 26th, 2015|Burma, Guest Blog Posts, Myanmar, Relationship Building|

Today, I am thrilled to welcome as a new guest blogger, my brilliant colleague, Aquatic Biologist and Research Specialist, Ms. Kristen Eggers, who was indispensable to the success of Access to Asia. In all honesty, if someone had asked me a year ago to point out the country of Myanmar on a map, I would [...]

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