Today I received a lovely ‘Thank You’ note from one of my clients. My eyes naturally were drawn to the personal look of a handwritten note among the mass of pre-printed envelopes in my US mail. This envelope was especially pretty! The return address was imprinted on the envelope flap, and the thoughtful note inside was written on monogrammed stationery:
Dear Sharon,
Thank you for coming to talk with my students. They enjoyed your etiquette presentation so much, and have already been talking about using your suggestions in their interviews. I have them in class tomorrow and we will be talking about resumes and interviews so your information was great. I so appreciate the gift of the latest edition of the Emily Post etiquette book. It was so thoughtful of you to give it to me – and it is such a useful gift for me to have for these students. Again, thank you for your time and for the special gift for me. I will think of you every time I use the book for my students, or for my personal use.
So what made Susie’s thank you note so special?
A thank you note should be sent when someone does something nice for you or goes out of their way for you. It doesn’t need to be longer than a few sentences. Notes written on personalized or monogrammed stationery are beautiful expressions. It is important to send thank you notes when someone:
- gives you a gift, or has flowers, fruit or other treats delivered
- hosts a dinner, party or celebration in your honor
- invites you to a party, concert, or other performance
- invites you to stay in their home, ranch or lake house
- writes a recommendation or reference
- refers a client
Here are a few tips to make your next note as gracious as Susie’s:
#1. In the first sentence of the note, say thank you and be appreciative. Thank the giver for the specific gift. You may also include a thank you for their time. The note does not need to be elaborate. It can be short and sweet. “Thank you for coming to talk with my students.” “I am so appreciative of the latest edition of the ….”
#2. Mention the particular gift. “They enjoyed your etiquette presentation so much.” “the latest edition of the Emily Post etiquette book.”
#3. State why you like this gift. “It is such a useful gift for me to have for these students.” “I have them in class tomorrow and we will be talking about resumes and interviews…”
#4. Sign the note pleasantly. You may add “Again, thank you for …” before signing the thank you note.
With these simple tips, your thank you note will do exactly what you intend it to do – show your gratitude to someone who deserves it!
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